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Growth Role: The First 90 Day Plan

First Week

First Month

First Quarter

Your First Week in a Growth Role

# 1: Learn about tool stack

# 2: Dive into historical data

# 3: Meet with your manager/CEO

# 4: Meet with your team and collaborators

# 5: Listen to your customers

# 1: Pick your growth metric

Photo credit: QianKu

# 2: Identify a focus area

# 3: Launch experiments

From there, everything becomes easier.

#4: Set up regular communication with customers

#5: Start to fill in gaps in infrastructure/tool/data

Your First Quarter in a Growth Role

#1: Create a Growth Model

#2: Build an experimentation program

#3: Choose a system of records

#4: Start a weekly growth meeting

Source: Sean Ellis, Building a companywide growth culture

#5: Advocate a growth culture

This can start with two simple things:
